Diana Johnson, the MP for Hull North, decided to pay back the money two years after making her claim, and months before MPs’ expenses were due to be made public.
Miss Johnson had earlier insisted that she should be paid £500 for crockery and a food mixer, despite being warned that it could be considered “excessive”.
She told officials that she had a “fairly basic level of subsistence”.
Three years ago, Miss Johnson wrote to the Commons fees office asking permission to remortgage in order to pay for new windows and doors at her Victorian terrace constituency house. Suggesting that the taxpayer pick up the extra costs of her increased mortgage repayments on her second home allowance, she said: “Some of the wood is now soaking wet and rotten.” Officials agreed to her proposal, and a year later she charged the £987 architect’s fee from her expenses.
But after the work was carried out, Miss Johnson appears to have had a change of heart and decided to pick up the bill herself.
Yesterday, in response to inquiries by The Daily Telegraph, she said that she had refunded the public purse for the architect’s fees in March – two years after making her claim. The records also show that in April 2006, Miss Johnson had a £563 claim for “kitchen items” rejected by the fees office, amid concerns that she had breached the Green Book of rules governing the Additional Costs Allowance, which MPs may use to fund a second home.
A senior official wrote to her: “We are concerned that your claim for crockery, mixer etc, may be considered excessive within the spirit of the proviso 'wholly, necessarily and exclusively on parliamentary duties’ as outlined in the Green Book Members’ Guide. Whilst the cost of any item you purchase is, of course, entirely your own decision, it is not necessarily an appropriate use of public funds when other options at a lesser cost are available.”
Miss Johnson responded: “I have only used my ACA to purchase items to allow a fairly basic level of subsistence in the home I have in my constituency.
“I do not accept that buying items to equip my kitchen including plates, pans and a food mixer are excessive.
“I am sure you will accept that eating healthy home-cooked food is preferable for most people and I have certainly tried not to rely totally on pre-prepared food but cook from scratch when time allows.”
Contacted yesterday, Miss Johnson added: “All the items I have purchased are basic legitimate household items for a second home.
“I have already paid the money back in relation to the preparatory work on the windows.”
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