Tuesday, 23 June 2009

Alabama 3, Aleida Guevara, Tony Benn and Bob Crow at London event.

RMT GENERAL secretary Bob Crow will be joined by Alabama 3, the band behind the Soprano's theme song "Woke Up This Morning, Aleida Guevara, Che Guevara's daughter, Labour movement legend Tony Benn and a host of other special guests this Wednesday evening for the 7th Annual RMT Cuba Garden Party which this year will mark the 50th anniversary of the Cuban revolution.

RMT are delighted that Aleida Guevara has been able to make it for this year's event. Aleida is the eldest daughter of four children born to Marxist revolutionary Ernesto "Che" Guevara. Aleida is a doctor of medicine, she is based at the William Soler Children's Hospital in Havana and has also worked as a physician in Angola, Ecuador and Nicaragua. She is interviewed about the philosophy behind universal health care in Michael Moore's film Sicko.

Alabama 3 are branded as "The most political band in Britain." Famous for their work in support of anti-racist campaigns, Miscarriages of Justice Organisation and on behalf of death row prisoners in the States. Their Soprano's theme song, "Woke Up This Morning", is a fitting introduction to their unique blend of country, techno and rap.

Bob Crow, RMT General Secretary, said today:

"RMT are delighted to be hosting this seventh annual Cuba Garden Party in this very special year marking 50 years of the Cuban Revolution.

"The resilience and determination of the Cuban people to defend their revolution in the teeth of US hostility for fifty years is a lesson to us all. We will be sending a loud and clear message from London to Havana that the Cuban people are not standing alone and that our solidarity is stronger today than it's ever been."

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