Monday, 29 March 2010

Payrise Update


We have now had two meetings with the Company to consider the RMT pay claim for 2010.

Key elements of RMT claim:

Ø      Substantial rise in Basic Pay, including allowances. Special attention to the lowest paid.

Ø      All members to have access to a 'Final Salary Pension Scheme'

Ø      Progress on Family Friendly agreements, Travel Facilities, Shorter working week,  London and south East allowances.

First Meeting, February 18:

RMT Presented our Claim. The company informed us of the work situation across AMEY and that they were only in a position to offer 0% on pay but they asked us that we come back with suggested ways of saving money for the company.

Second meeting, March 25:

RMT responded that 0% would not be acceptable to our members and that the RMT claim was for a cost of living increase "without strings". However once we have reached a satisfactory outcome to pay discussions we would then be prepared to enter into meaningful 'Restructuring negotiations' with AMEY with the intention of achieving a mutually acceptable package which we could put to our members.

After much discussion we persuaded the company to make a no strings offer.  The offer is for 0.5% on basic rates of pay but not allowances. AMEY have said they have "no money" to pay any more and that this is their final offer on Pay. They have offered a further meeting on Wednesday 31 March to respond on other aspects of the claim.

RMT Reps made absolutely clear to the company our view that this offer was very poor considering that AMEY had a 'record year in 2009' with their financial results, that the staff had been hard working, flexible and committed and this is why AMEY has been very successful (In fact Award winning !) in winning Rail contracts. A very significant point of principle to the reps was that senior managers have reportedly received attractive performance bonuses but were now declining staff a decent cost of living increase.

RMT will be consulting with our Reps and members about the final position and a report will be sent to the RMT executive following the meeting on 31 March.

RMT Commitment:                                                   

RMT is absolutely dedicated to achieving a fair result for our AMEY members this year.

RMT is willing to be involved in Restructuring Negotiations once we have achieved a fair outcome with pay. We acknowledge that the company have aspirations as do our members. Any outcome of negotiations would go to the RMT Executive and our members will always have the final say in a referendum ballot before any changes.

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