Monday, 5 October 2009

The Peoples Charter

New Website Launched!

A new centre of information, communications and mobilisation for the People's Charter has been established. It is online and we ask you to visit without delay.

Come to the new website and sign the Charter. If you already have, visit the site and recommend it to your friends, family, workmates and fellow activists.

On the site you will find the Charter, information about the forthcoming conference, you can sign up for newsletters and link to People's Charter groups on Facebook and Twitter. You can even donate online.

TUC Backs Charter

The TUC's decision to support the People's Charter is a huge step forward in the fight to promote a realistic and winnable alternative to the all-party consensus- a consensus that would see unprecedented cuts in public services, coupled with attacks upon public sector workers' pay and pensions (see below for text of motion).

Why should ordinary people suffer the double whammy of having to bail out the banks and other failed financial institutions that caused the financial crisis, and then pay again through savage cuts?

Although there is a critical need to build support for the Charter in workplaces, we also need the support of the wider community including tenants' associations and community groups.

The Charter needs your support and assistance. Visit to see how you can assist.

National Charter Conference

The first national meeting of Charter supporters will take place on Saturday 21st November at the Camden Centre in London. This will be the first opportunity for supporters from across the country to get together. It follows on from the party conferences and little more than 6 months before the General Election.

The Convention is open to all Charter supporters, who are welcome to attend as individuals or as delegates from trade unions and community groups.

You can registering now online at

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