Sunday 22 February 2009

Network Rail's announcement to make cuts to the renewal's workbank's

Above is a copy of a letter sent out to member's on the subject of the announcement by Network Rail that it was cutting job's from the work banks of all the renewals companies this year.

The money that Network Rail has allocated for this renewals work is guaranteed 100%, but they have decided to defer this work until a later date. The present credit crunch has little if anything to do with it whatsoever. Some view it as a tactic on the part of Network Rail to drive costs ever further down across the renewals sector, to force companies to turn the screws further on their worker by changing to worse terms and conditions etc, which suit Network Rails own desires. And when they figure the costs and terms and conditions etc are right, then they'll take it all back in house.

For our member's the immediate problem is that it's unlikely that any company will carry a sizeable segment of its workforce for a significant length of time when its got no work for it whatsoever. Redundancies seem an almost inevitable result of the Network Rail announcement, which is why we must do all we can do to fight this.

Above is a copy of a letter to member's updating them on the situation regarding the pending dispute with Amey over redundancies within Amey's welder's section. An agreement was eventually reached on the matter and the dispute was satisfactorily resolved without the need of action. It was just a pity that it couldn't have been sorted a lot earlier than the eleventh hour, but it went down to the wire. Our members held firm, showing support for their welding colleagues.

If it hadn't been resolved satisfactorily, it would have boded ill for the future.